OpenAPI-Common |version| ======================== .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 api/index contributing Introduction ------------ OpenAPI-Common is part of the larger `PyAnsys `_ effort to facilitate the use of Ansys technologies directly from Python. Because some Ansys products expose HTTP APIs rather than gRPC APIs, this Python library provides a common client to consume HTTP APIs, minimizing overhead and reducing code duplication. Background ---------- A widely used standard for HTTP REST-style APIs is the OpenAPI standard, formerly known as Swagger. OpenAPI-Common is designed to be used alongside code generation tools to produce client libraries for HTTP APIs. Brief example ------------- This brief example demonstrates how the client works: .. code:: python >>> from ansys.openapi.common import ApiClientFactory >>> client = ApiClientFactory("") ... .with_autologon() ... .connect() >>> print(client) The client is now ready and available for use with an OpenAPI client. Authentication schemes ---------------------- OpenAPI-Common supports API servers configured with no authentication, API keys, client certificates, and basic authentication. Windows users can also use Windows Integrated Authentication to connect to Kerberos-enabled APIs with their Windows credentials and to NTLM where it is supported. Linux users can make use of Kerberos authentication via the ``[linux-kerberos]`` extra. This requires a working installation of either MIT Kerberos or Heimdal, as well as some platform-specific build steps. An additional requirement is a correctly configured ``krb5.keytab`` file on your system. Windows and Linux users can authenticate with OIDC-enabled APIs by using the ``[oidc]`` extra. Currently only the Authorization Code authentication flow is supported. .. list-table:: Authentication methods by platform :header-rows: 1 :widths: 30 15 15 40 * - Authentication method - Windows - Linux - Builder method * - API Key - ✔️ - ✔️ - ``.with_anonymous()`` [1]_ * - Basic - ✔️ - ✔️ - ``.with_credentials()`` * - NTLM - ✔️ - ❌ - ``.with_credentials()`` * - Kerberos - ✔️ - ➕ [2]_ - ``.with_autologon()`` * - OIDC - ➕ [3]_ - ➕ [3]_ - ``.with_oidc()`` .. [1] Set the appropriate header in ``api_session_configuration``. .. [2] When installed as ``pip install ansys-openapi-common[linux-kerberos]``. .. [3] When installed as ``pip install ansys-openapi-common[oidc]``. Advanced features ----------------- You can set all options that are available in Python library *requests* through the client. This enables you to configure custom SSL certificate validation, send client certificates if your API server requires them, and configure many other options. For example, to send a client certificate with every request: .. code:: python >>> from ansys.openapi.common import SessionConfiguration >>> configuration = SessionConfiguration( ... client_cert_path='./my-client-cert.pem', ... client_cert_key='secret-key' ... ) >>> client.configuration = configuration Platform-specific Kerberos configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kerberos authentication should be supported wherever the MIT or Heimdal Kerberos client can be installed. OpenAPI-Common has been tested on the platforms that follow. If you manage to use it on another platform, consider contributing installation steps for your platform by making a pull request. Ubuntu 20.04 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ubuntu requires the ``gssapi`` Python module to be built from source. This requires the Kerberos headers, Python headers for the version of Python that you are using, and a supported compiler. (GCC works well.) You should then be able to install this module with the ``[linux-kerberos]`` extra: .. code-block:: sh sudo apt install build-essentials python3.8-dev libkrb5-dev pip install ansys-openapi-common[linux-kerberos] Once the installation completes, ensure that your ``krb5.conf`` file is set up correctly for your Kerberos configuration and that you have a valid ``keytab`` file, which is normally in ``/etc/krb5.keytab``. API reference ------------- For comprehensive API documentation, see :doc:`API reference `. Contributions ------------- Contributions to this library are welcome. For more information, see :ref:`contributing_openapi`. Project index ------------- * :ref:`genindex`